UN Mappers

UN Mappers is a community of mapping enthusiasts who collaborate to gather, verify and distribute geospatial open data in regions where the United Nations conducts field operations. The community is very diverse, including UN personnel, academia (high schools and universities), local communities, NGOs, and volunteers around the globe. The goal of this initiative is to provide more precise location-based data to support decision-making processes. Mapping the world, supporting peace, and serving humanity are their motto.

As a part of the UN Maps project, UN Mappers seek to enhance topographic and operational data in UN missions. This includes providing peacekeeping and humanitarian actors with better maps, operational geo-information, search and navigation tools, as well as imagery and street-level base maps.

UN Mappers uses the OpenStreetMap (OSM) platform to support their initiatives. They create OSM projects where members can contribute by mapping topographic features. Topographic features which are easy to map include residential areas, villages, highways, and waterways, while the more complex ones include the land cover and land use. Therefore, both beginners and advanced mappers can contribute. UN Mappers is an inclusive community that welcomes participation from anyone who wishes to contribute to the cause of promoting peace and security through open mapping.

UN Mappers supports collaborative events which are fundamental for the production of open data. Collaborative events include mapathons and training. Mapathons are mapping 'hackathons' where beginner or advanced mappers meet up to map together. Training consists of structured presentations to acquire specific editing skills while editing on the mapping projects, for example, basic OSM skills, advanced editing topics, and field mapping (Fig. 9 displays a photo of training performed with university students in Italy).

Anyone can participate in UN Mappers and contribute to promoting peace and security through open mapping. You can find out how to start contributing and becoming a mapping expert using UN Maps Learning Hub, the UN Mappers educational platform that offers courses on OSM editing, tests, and certificates. Join the community today!

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