Mapping workshop

Welcome to the Mapathon Workshop, where we will introduce you to the exciting world of community mapping!

In this workshop, we will explore the power of open source mapping tools and how they can be used to support humanitarian efforts around the world. We will begin by setting up an OpenStreetMap account, which is a free and open mapping platform that allows anyone to contribute to mapping projects. We will then take a walk around the humanitarian mapping platform, TeachOSM, which is a comprehensive resource for learning about mapping for social good. Next, we will dive into the process of mapping a task, which involves identifying a specific area or issue that needs to be mapped and working together to create a detailed map of that area. You will learn how to use OpenStreetMap's editing tools and how to collaborate with others to ensure accuracy and completeness in your mapping efforts.

By the end of this workshop, you will have the skills and knowledge to contribute to mapping projects and make a positive impact in the world. So let's get started!

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