CHAPTER III: Mapathon - Mapping Workshop

This chapter provides a brief explanation and importance of organizing a humanitarian event „Mapathon“. It's a modern digital form of volunteering that is accessible to everyone, regardless of age. Through the organizing of the „Mapathon“ event, we can improve the quality of the world's data on maps, as well as meet people from around the world and exchange knowledge. We think it's important to spread awareness about this form of volunteering, so that even more people can get involved. In this case, we have prepared a detailed step-by-step manual that will explain how to organize „Mapathon“ and how to map on the Teach OSM humanitarian platform using the iD editor. This step-by-step manual is supplemented by instruction images taken from task #1148 Mapping Tartus created by the student community PoliMappers from Politecnico di Milano.

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