Open Field Mapping Activities Addressed to Climate Change Challenges

In the previous chapter, we conducted a Mapathon using the TeachOSM platform to map the Tartus task. To remind, Mapathons are collaborative events where volunteers gather to improve and update maps. During a Mapathon, participants focus on mapping of simple and easily visible objects from satellite imagery backgrounds. This is an essential first step in creating new objects on the map and contributing to the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database.

However, sometimes there is a need for more detailed mapping, especially in pupil-led projects. This may include adding new attributes (keys) to the OSM database. Field mapping becomes crucial in these cases, as it allows for the collection of more comprehensive and accurate data. To meet this demand, the current chapter will focus on a workshop that integrates OSM and smartphone mapping tools to facilitate field mapping activities.

The primary objective of this chapter is to introduce high school teachers and their pupils to open field mapping tools and their potential applications in addressing climate change challenges. By providing an overview of popular smartphone tools, real-world examples, and hands-on exercises, we aim to equip teachers with the necessary knowledge and resources to integrate mapping activities into their lesson plans effectively.

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