Walk around humanitarian mapping platform TeachOSM

Here is a step-by-step guide to using the TeachOSM Tasking Manager:

  • Go to the TeachOSM website.

  • Click on the „Log in“ button in right corner (Fig. 7)

Fig. 7: Logging into TeachOSM Tasking manager
  • Use your already created account from OpenStreetMap and please authorize access to your account by pressing button „Grant Access“ (Fig. 8)

  • After logging in you’ll see the same interface as in (Fig. 9). Let’s explore together the website TeachOSM.

Fig. 9: Teach OSM interface


  • In this section you will find tasks and projects available for mapping (Fig. 10)

  • you can sort tasks and project according four criteria:

a) difficulty level - beginner mapper, intermediate mapper, advanced mapper

b) project status - projects to map, projects to validate, any project

c) more filters - you can sort projects according:

o campaign

o organization

o location

o type of mapping

d) sort by - urgent, active, new, old, beginner and advanced projects

e) search project - when you are looking for a specific project and you know its number, you can do it quickly by using search engine (Fig. 11)

We’ll work together on the task Mapping Tartus with number #1148 !


  • this section provides statistics about your mapping activity such as (Fig. 12):

    • number of buildings, roads, waterways and points of interests you mapped

    • overall number of hours you spent mapping

    • detailed contribution timeline

    • projects and tasks you worked on

    • what top 5 countries you already mapped


  • this section provides quick instructions how to map, how to validate data and how to organize mapping events like mapathon (Fig. 13). We will show you how to map more in deep in the next part.


  • In this section you will find some more information about Tasking Manager (Fig. 14)

Exercise 1: Get familiar with all sections on the platform TeachOSM

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